Spring is rushing along and we adjust our menu items to take advantage of seasonal flavors and tastes. Chef Gregg will be introducing some new items on the "additions" menus, so please check them out when you next come for lunch or dinner.
Easter Sunday was a beautiful day here at Casa Dante. The food was great and all had a wonderful time. Please remember to reserve early for Mothers Day as the stress of last minute accommodations is wearing out our staff.
I was asked what is the best way my customers can help to get the word out about our food? My typical answer; write about us on the internet . Its the modern word of mouth!
Please see this weekends other features below.
Thanks for your Patronage and see you at Casa Dante!
Dom & Toni Marino
Check out our new FACEBOOK page, photos, discussions and other fun stuff
Casa Dante
3.5/4 stars Star Ledger 2010, Wine Spectator Award 2009, 2010 & 2011
Check out the specials and discounts below and join our FACEBOOKfan page.
Rooms for small or large parties up to 140. Valet parking.
Entertainment this weekend!
Friday April 6, 2012
Happy Hour in our lounge at 5:30 with Danny Bacher
Saturday April 14, 2012 Come for some great old and new sounds!